15 min website colour feedback video

Make Colour Work for You

“…colour increases brand recognition by up to 80 percent.” University of Loyola, Maryland.

Create an emotive connection with your prospects using colour.

Feel the Power of Colour Psychology

Does the psychology of your brand colours really resonate with the message that you are trying to portray?

Did you have a plan when you chose those shades, or did you just like the way they looked?

The Power of Colour in the eyes of our client

Katie Hart – Neuromarketing

Launch Pad For Your Purpose Brand15 min website colour feedback video

Colours that Connect with Your Audience

Complementary colours are important, but if you really want to create a clear, unified brand image, you need to add some science to your marketing.

At their visual touch-point colour is your customers’ first and lasting perception of your product or service. Think of supermarket shopping, where up to 80% of your purchase decision is based on colour alone.

Colour psychology will provide your audience with a consistent image of your authenticity.

The Science of Colour

Colour has the power to infiltrate our subconscious, affect decision making and guide your customers’ emotions. That is the universal impact of colour psychology. It knows no boundaries.

An example of  colour in purpose-branding

Katie Hart – Neuromarketing

Launch Pad For Your Purpose BrandTHE PRODUCT 15 min website colour feedback video


The Feedback:  Your first and lasting impression your audience experiences rom your website and branding colours

  • Allow us to share all our knowledge of colour psychology in one jam-packed video tailored delivered direct to your mail box.
  • Understand how the colours you use in your visual touchpoints affects you audience’s decision making, emotions and perception of you 


Launch Pad For Your Purpose Brand15 min website colour feedback video

A Campaign of Colour Based on You

We create a brand image based on who you are, so that you attract the right audience to you by just naturally transmitting your authenticity and showing your true colours, literally through colour psychology, its ability to infiltrate our subconscious, affect decision making and guide your customers’ emotions.

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It!

  • “It is me in 3 colours! … I absolutely love them. I feel such pride in them and I know I’ve got, as a result of Nick’s patience and understanding, I know I’ve got a level of appreciation for them.” -Katie Hart
  • “As soon as I saw… I thought yes! that’s it!…  I had no idea the impact [on the business] would be so dramatic, I went back to the team and said those are the colours we need to use… it is unusual for me to come out and be that emphatic” – Sanjay Shah

Launch Pad For Your Purpose Brand15 min website colour feedback video

  • People make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on colour alone.


Source: CCICOLOR – Institute for Colour Research

Launch Pad For Your Purpose Brand15 min website colour feedback video

A Message from Nick

It is quite a challenge to understand and communicate you own “obvious authenticity”. Getting your brand colours right is an extra obstacle, but all of this is so important to create a brand that is successful.

It can be a  long and lonely process. We have spent many years researching, testing more researching and re-testing our techniques so that you can skip all that frustration and quickly start to express yourself, starting with colour.

“Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.” ― Oscar Wilde.

It speaks to your audience, and gives you a competitive edge over the competition. All the biggest brands in the world know these secrets, now we bring them to you.

An Essential Part of your Marketing Campaign

  • Colour offers an essential way of getting your business ahead of the competition, building loyalty and enhancing your message with proven techniques.
  • Never underestimate the psychological impact of your business brand colours on your bottom line.
  • What are you waiting for? The future of your brand starts today!