The Connectors

The connecting threads

The threads of our lives are so disparate and unconnected at first glance, but they all intertwine into your true passions and mission in life.

The threads are fundamental to understanding and communicating your passions, as well as making more deliberate and considered decisions on your future direction.

Your brand is your way of thinking, your philosophy, your passions.

Your brand themes

From our the fire-side conversation we distill and highlight the passions and drivers, that give you fulfillment, into a word-cloud.

This forms the basis for the start of a co-creative conversation based on your brand themes.

The threads of life that form your brand themes 

Mariko Ota – British Brunch
Katie Hart – Neuromarketing

The Connectors

It is a toolkit for your future

The mystery is unpacked and the fog clears into a deliberate and conscious toolkit of themes and ideas that will fulfill you in your future trajectory in life.

It is like sifting through the sands of life and finding the hidden gems, that often seem obvious when presented into conscious thought but are often missed in the every day fog of life.

Foundation for your future

In retracing your story you will find your “a sense of purpose that underpins everything I do”. As told by Miranda Birch in the next video.

Miranda Birch and those nuggets of gold

Miranda Birch  – The Richest Conversations

The Connectors


The first steps of transmitting your authenticity to the world

These threads that form such an important ballast for your future direction and also serve as transmitters for your authenticity.

The threads form the foundation of your brand. Brand -You.

In the same way you are attracted to “genuine” people, your audience will be attracted to and reward you for the consistency of your authenticity.

You will be amazed at how “beautiful” brand-you is. 

The beauty of Brand-You