25 Mar 3. The Guiding Light of Your Purpose Brand
A Compass: A Guiding Light of Brand You
The word-cloud is a graphic art representation of a collection of words that you have used in the fireside chat that are larger in size in accordance with the frequency that the words have been used. There are many uses for the word-cloud, some of which have been discussed in previous blogs. In this blog, I want to focus on some of the longer term benefits. The term, ‘Brand You’s Compass’, was derived from the effect that the word map has on its users. It is a guide, a north star, or a line in the sand for your greatest assets. It is a point from which you can have a check in. It allows you to compare and contrast where you are against your core beliefs. A Guiding Light for Brand You.
Making Your Word-Cloud Work for You
For example, some people use it as a piece of art hanging on the wall in the office. This can act as a perfect icebreaker for a meeting. You might say to a client: “You want to know who I am? I’ll save you time! Please have a look at this picture.” It can also act as a word or message for the day. Every time you look at the word map, a different word pops into focus – even the smaller ones become important within a given day.
For other people, it is a guiding light during life`s more difficult moments. When you’re not sure why things have gone wrong, a quick check back to the word map can be used as a reference point against which to check where you are, as opposed to what “The Compass” is telling you.
Of course, there’s no need to limit it to the dark days. We all have our ups and downs, and the good days are equally important to celebrate and understand why you are on track and you are in the space that your soul wants to occupy. That is why you are enjoying the moment so much. In summary, the word-cloud uses includes but are not limited to: A Guiding Light of Brand You
– Nick Horton, The Fourth Space founder
The Fourth Space : Understand, Own and Launch Brand You
Read on…
The Philosophy of The Fourth Space
1. Freedom : Build it and they will come
2. Japanese culture and your purpose brand
3. A Co-creation: Colouring Your Purpose Brand
4. The Little Book of Your Purpose Brand
The Magic Stardust of The Fourth Space