05 Mar 1. The Fireside Chat and Brand You
Starting the Journey of Understanding Brand You
What is the difference between an open and closed question? Well, put simply, a closed-ended question requires a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, whereas an open question involves more thought. It is not as narrowly defined and requires your brain to access a larger amount of information to arrive at a response. This is the start, the kernel of The Fireside Chat and Brand You.
The longer the answer, the greater the opportunity and space there is to demonstrate your own understanding. The more open the question is, the greater the likelihood that something that is close to your heart will be brought to the fore from your subconscious to your conscious thought. That is the power of a comfortable setting and an open questions. That is why the The Fireside Chat and Brand You is so important to connecting your true values with your target audience.
This allows you to access your inner drivers; your great assets that may be “obvious” to the people closest to you but are difficult to grasp let alone communicate to your signature audience. You may not consciously clock this as you live and breathe it every day and could take it for granted.. and yet they is your greatest assets . They are what will connect with the people you most want to work with.
These Brand You transmitters are all based on experiences we’ve had in life that have helped to shape us into the people we are today. The experiences we enjoyed. The experiences we did not enjoy. These are equally important in shaping the inner drivers that contribute to your life-force.
Come and Sit by the Fire: The Fireside Chat and Brand You
At The Fourth Space, we start with a fireside chat. We ask a series of open-ended questions which allow you the freedom to pull out your most important inner drivers. These act as a guiding light for things that are most important to you in your life. They will form the foundation for what you want to do to live, thrive and survive. We have found that the aspects of your life that are most important to you are contained in the words that you most frequently use. These words have been pulled from your subconscious and are most frequently used in our fireside chat. Collectively or individually the words are all connected with a golden thread of what gives you life-force energy. Listen to the experience from the perspective of one of our clients
We use technology to distil these words and present them back to you in an easily digestible format of a art word-cloud. This allows you to access your deepest subconscious drivers and these act as your sole compass. We have found that people have a wide range of positive reactions to having a mirror shone upon the soul. This can be anything from affirmation that you are on the right path to discovering one word that is gold dust.
Don’t waste a lifetime on the wrong path
Of course, you might also discover that you are on the wrong path, although this happens very rarely. But whatever you find out, from the broad range of affirmation to discovery, it is better to know which path you are on, rather than waste years, months, decades, or even a lifetime following the wrong path.
That is what we help you discover. The Fireside Chat and Your Purpose Brand is for the rest of your life.
– Nick Horton, The Fourth Space founder
The Fourth Space : Understand, Own and Launch Brand You
Read on…
The Philosophy of The Fourth Space
1. Freedom : Build it and they will come
2. Japanese culture and your purpose brand
3. A Co-creation: Colouring Your Purpose Brand
4. The Little Book of Your Purpose Brand
The Magic Stardust of The Fourth Space