21 Jan Brand You: From Japanese corporate warrior to niche pig-farmer in 3 years
From a corporate warrior to a pig farmer in two years. My wife’s school friend’s (Satoka Tanaka) incredible story of transition.
An extreme example of transition but a true one nonetheless…. And not just any old pig farmer but niched into a mature pig farming: the meat has greater depth of flavour…. And now her new niche business has been recognised for its innovate approach and symbiotic relationship with her local supermarket in the local press (waste food given to pigs and meat sold at supermarket)
During the last year of The Great Resignation an increasing number of people have been willing to take that risk of “transitioning”, many on nothing more than a feeling, a hunch, that they are not the right space to tap into that huge amount of well-being energy (credit: Miranda Birch) that is found when you know you are working within the boundaries of your life’s mission. Life is too short work in
Satoka is a prime example of this, she quit her corporate job into Japan, fed up with long hours and little spiritual / human reward and just followed her intuition which, unbelievably, led to a writing course; an article on farming; an interview with a farm owner; working 2 years at that farm; starting her own pig farming business; niching into mature pig farming and selling meat at her local super market. All in only 3 years.
– Nick Horton, The Fourth Space founder
The Fourth Space : Understand, Own and Launch Brand You
Read on…
The Philosophy of The Fourth Space
1. Freedom : Build it and they will come
2. Japanese culture and your purpose brand
3. A Co-creation: Colouring Your Purpose Brand
4. The Little Book of Your Purpose Brand
The Magic Stardust of The Fourth Space